Inspiring speakers, global experts, wonderful guests...

We're proud to bring together an amazing range of speakers with expertise in technology and disability from all sectors. 

Panel members and other contributors include:

  • AbilityNet, RNIB, Disability Rights Advocates, Disability Rights UK, the European Disability Forum, Scope, Everyone Can, Digit Music
  • Google, Sony, ITV, Amazon, Apple, Channel4, BBC, BT Sports, Lenovo, Verizon Media, Uber and many more

Tickets have now sold out!

TechShare Pro is officially sold out, please join our waiting list if you would like to attend.

We will release tickets as soon as they become available - but we advise you not book your travel and accommodation before you receive confirmation that tickets are available. If you have any questions, please email:

Gold Partners

AbilityNet logo Google logo RNIB logo

Silver Partners

Barclays logo Microsoft logo SONY logo

Supported By

Scope logo Uber