Models for an Organisation-wide Accessibility Programme

Professional Practice Workshop

Time: 14h15 | Room: 24

Led by: Paul Smyth, Barclays + Christopher Patnoe, Google

So you want to build a programme that embeds accessibility across your organisation? That could be helping your digital team put inclusion at the heart of every project, or working with your customer services team to ensure accessibility of every service. 

Many people are aiming for a top down adoption of accessibility, a commitment from senior managers that reflects the business and social benefits of putting accessibility at the heart of their digital programs. Others are also working bottom-up, to put in place the processes and support mechanisms that ensure that commitment is delivered at every stage of every digital project.

And there is also a need to engage with HR and procurement to make sure their priorities and outcomes are aligned with your accessibility strategy. What is the balancing act between these options, and how does it differ across organizations?

Paul and Christopher will offer an overview of the programmes in their organisation, and offer tips on what options you could consider.

Professional Practice Workshops are short sessions which kick off with five minutes of top tips from an industry expert - followed by your ideas and an open discussion. The sessions will be recorded and a short guide published after the conference, capturing practical top tips that you can use in your work.

TechShare Pro 2018

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